HW 3160 Fall 2018

Section 001 Teplyaev  Math 3160 — Probability (Syllabus)

HW 1 (August 27 — August 31):

HW 2 (September 3 — September 7):

HW 3 (September 10 — September 14):

HW 4 (September 17 — September 21):

HW 5 (September 24 — September 28):

HW 6 (October 1 — October 5):

  • Review HW for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and do any unfinished work;
  • ask questions in class on Monday;
  • Test 1 on Wednesday October 3, based on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. answers

HW 7 (October 8 — October 12):

HW 8 (October 15 — October 19):

HW 9 (October 22 — October 26):


HW 10 (October 29 — November 2):


HW 11 (November 5 — November 9):


HW 12 (November 12 — November 16):

  • Review HW for weeks 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and do any unfinished work;
  • ask questions in class on Monday (here are pictures from the white board);
  • sample Test 2 problems; with answers
  • review session on Tuesday November 13, 7pm in MONT 420;
  • Test 2 on Wednesday November 14, based on Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. answers
  • You are allowed to bring 2 pages of handwritten notes (both sides of an 8 x 11 paper). Table of distributions and Z-table from the end of the textbook will be provided.


HW 13 (Thanksgiving and November 26 — November 30):


HW 14 (December 3 — December 7):


Review session Thursday 12/13/18 7:00 pm MONT 319 to discuss sample final exam problems (here are answers) and any other questions

Final exam Friday 12/14/18 8:00 am – 10:00 am

  • You are allowed to bring 3 pages of handwritten notes (both sides of an 8 x 11 paper). Table of distributions and Z-table  from the end of the textbook will be provided if needed.